Love Hz!
A flickering bank of LED appears to be sending signals to the moon, while barely visible amongst the wires and the lights of a neon loft, shadowy figures chant and sway to the bleeps and the bloops, the swish and the crack...lost in a reverie, these electronic-age druids of sound, compose prayers to their gods as they lock a groove to the beating of a collective heart; with nerve ends wired to throbbing oscillators, the long, dark invigorating dance of night begins.
You will not find grep vold smiling like inane pop-monkeys on the rancid flickering digital celluloid of your favourite vlog but you will see them in the shimmering neon of your electric dreams and feel them dancing in the brutal discoteque of your breaking heart.
Spodyody Records presents the 'Brutalist' LP and the 'Basquiat on the Subway at Night' EP coming December 2021
As Nietzsche declared:
"Without music, life would be a mistake."